Lindsey Clarke reports from RIVER DROWES – Monday 8th to Sunday 14th February 2016.

The Drowes ran at high levels once again all week. On Monday the river was fairly high with the gauge reading 0.86m. Heavy rain meant the river rose rapidly over the next 2 days and by Wednesday the river had risen to 0.94m on the gauge. Thereafter the river fell gradually from very high to high water levels and by the end of Sunday the gauge read 0.80m. On Friday morning, John Gallagher, Craigavon, recorded a nice fresh 10lb salmon caught on a Black & Orange Devon Minnow from the Crooked Hole.

John Gallagher
John Gallagher

Lindsey ClarkeLindsey Clarke
email: [email protected]

Make a booking

For info/bookings etc on the Drowes Fishery & Lough Melvin see the website: or Tel: +353 (0)71 9841055 (8 am to 12 noon)