‘Into the night’ dusk & darkness were the best times to fish Sheelin for this week
‘Into the night’ dusk & darkness were the best times to fish Sheelin for this week

It was another busy week for anglers in Ireland. The mix of weather was not all bad and there were times when the conditions were just right leading to some very impressive catches for game, coarse and sea anglers…

Salmon anglers on the Moy had their best week of the year landing over 260 fish. the Drowes also fished well with about 40 fish, mostly grilse, caught despite low water. One party of tourist anglers had 12 fish on Saturday. Grilse have provided excellent sport at the Galway Fishery, with 72 fish landed and some anglers getting 3, 4 and 5 fish in a session. In Co. Kerry the Laune had another good week and the Laune Anglers Water produced a couple of fish each day, some grilse but bigger fish are still coming in fresh off the tides.

Despite colossal hatches of Mayfly on Lough Sheelin the fishing was patchy. There were some super fish landed and some good fishing enjoyed but it was far from consistent. Evening’s, dusk and dawn fished best. Caenis hatches have over taken the Mayfly fishing on Corrib. After what proved to be a disappointing Mayfly season on the lake anglers are getting better fishing now – if they can get up early enough. On Lough Mask the changeable weather made for inconsistent fishing. mind you some anglers hit it just right: Local Ballinrobe anglers Tommy Foley and Tim Hannon had a red letter day last week by boating 19 trout on a combination of wets and dries (best fish 2.5lbs; all returned).

Early starts were part of the recipe for success employed by by two anglers from Merseyside fishing with Melview Lodge. When the bream were being tricky they did very well on tench. The bream played ball they caught up to 272lb in a day. Some decent weights were also reported from a number of other venues with catches to 80lb at Shannon Harbour and 40lb at Killykeen. Congratulations go to Shamie Winters for winning the Ballinamore Festival and to Stuart Blunsom for taking the honours in the O’Callaghans Cup on Inniscarra.

Good pike fishing was reported from parts of the Shannon last week. One angler 89 fish over 5 days around Meelick and other anglers did well at Banagher and Pallas Lake. There was also some decent pike fishing reported from a number of Cavan venues.

Sixgill shark
Sixgill shark

There was more incredible shark fishing news last week as Andy Griffith managed to hook and land 2 1000lb plus six gill sharks while fishing on Luke Aston’s Clare Dragoon out of Carrigaholt in Co. Clare. The sharks were about 14 and 18 feet long and estimated to weigh 1150 and 1400lbs. But the shark news doesn’t stop there. Small boat anglers fishing out of the Bellavista Angling Centre in Cobh had the first reported blue shark of the year. The first blue shark of the year always gets Catch of the Week. But given Andy’s incredible achievement we have to share the honours this week in a rare double Catch of the Week award.

Blue shark in the boat – the first of 2017

Staying with sharks there were some good smoothhounds and pack tope taken from Wicklow. Galway Bay is producing good fishing over reefs with plenty of pollack and coalfish being caught. Tope are also in the mix as are cod.

Crayfish plague – update

All water users are asked to operate a temporary ban on moving water sports and angling equipment out of the River Suir and River Deel catchments – commencing immediately. Water sports and angling equipment currently in use in the Suir and Deel catchments may continue to be used there; but boats or angling equipment should not be transferred out of the catchment. Limit your activity to the river section where you normally operate, avoid moving around the catchment and follow biosecurity protocols – Inspect, Remove, Clean, Dispose, Notify. Anglers: http://www.fisheriesireland.ie/invasive-species-1/358-invasive-species-biosecurity-guidelines-for-anglers-leaflet-1/file

Saturday morning will be dry in the east with sunny spells. Showers in the west will extend eastwards and become widespread by early afternoon. Some will be heavy and a few possibly thundery in Ulster. Highest temperatures of 13 to 17C with moderate to fresh southwest winds. The outlook is for changeable and fresh weather over the rest of the holiday weekend and into next week.

Safe fishing to all and tight lines, especially here in Ireland.

Myles Kelly

Catch, Photo, Release

If you have an angling story to share with the Irish Angling Update please send it to [email protected].


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