John Chambers of IFPAC reports that 25 anglers fished the latest Ardee Pike Anglers competition catching 160 fish to 13lb 06oz. Some great bags were got despite a lot of fish dropped. The Club gave thanks to Tom Muldoon and staff for their hospitality and food and to sponsors of prizes.

- Ronan Murray 18 pike 60lb 04oz
- Paul Martin jnr. 17 pike 47lb 02oz
- Jody Kiernan 14 pike 46lb 13oz
- Trevor Martin 13lb 06oz
- J.P.Davis 11lb 06oz
- Jody Kiernan 11-02
There were 3 more bags 30lb and and6 bags 20lb plus.
The Irish Federation of Pike Angling Clubs (IFPAC) is a body representing pike anglers in Ireland, North and South.The IFPAC was founded on 17th January 1988 at a meeting held at the Ardboyne Hotel, Navan. The membership for that year stood at fifteen clubs representing six hundred anglers, today membership of IFPAC is approaching 100 affiliated clubs representing in excess of seven thousand anglers from all walks of life.