Frank Maunsell from the Owenmore Fishery reports:

15th May 2017: Apart from a few wet days we have had hardly any rain since last November which is a record in West Kerry. The Bogs dried up so much it was like walking on tarmac. It will take a lot of rain for them to soften to hold water.

The Estuary is full of fish even the dolphins were having a go at them for a while. When they were chasing them some great trout were jumping to escape them, some of them looked like grilse even though it is a bit early for grilse yet.

We have an orange rain alert at the moment I hope it will last for at least a week. This will freshen up the system and there will be a good run of fish.

Frank Maunsell
Owenmore Fishery

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There are approximately five miles of fly fishing along the main part of the Owenmore River in Kerry, with 33 named pools and an additional 180 acres of lake fishing in this Kerry beauty spot. The salmon, grilse and sea trout begin to run in April. The runs continue through spring and summer into early October.

Telephone: 066 7139408 Mobile: 087 9476309

Email: [email protected]