Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane where it was either wild or sunny and sometimes both…

13/6/17 It was a wild day on Lough Currane, with a strong SW wind blowing down the Lake, but this didn’t  stop Mr. Bill Rushby catching a fine 4 lbs, Grilse on the fly, While fishing with his Gillie and for the rest of the Lough Anglers there was no Comment and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know why! Wind as already stated, just for the record there was good cloud cover. Now to yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall, 1.6 mm. Maximum air temperature 14.3c.

14/6/17 There was a strong Southerly wind blowing across the lake all day, but this didn’t deter a few boats from venturing out on the rough waters of Lough Currane and going by my secret service or sources if you prefer, reported that there two Salmon caught on the fly by a Guest, while fishing with his Gillie, so congratulations to them both, the only bit of advice I can give the Gillie I hope he used Domestos to clean his boat this evening, if you get my drift. Wind as already stated with excellent cloud. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.2mm. Maximum air temperature 15.8c.


15/6/17 There was a nice mixture of Salmon and Sea Trout today, so straight to the action, we start on the South side and the Salmon department, Local Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of caught a fine 5 lbs. Grilse on the troll. Now we head for the North Shore and the Bungalow and the C&R Sea Trout department. Mr. Bill Hayes, caught and released a cracker of a 6 ½ lbs. Sea Trout, while fly fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of . UK angler Mr. John Emes, was in flying form today and for good reason. This morning John was in his London office and come evening he was fly fishing with his Gillie on Lough Currane and caught a fine 5.5 lbs Salmon on the fly. Talk about come fly with me and they say Ryanair is good they’re Brilliant.. Wind West strong with good cloud cover at times. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 11.3 mm. Maximum air temperature 15.1c.

16/6/17 There was a nice breeze from the West and sadly my Noble anglers had to confess that they got their casts in a bit of a mess, so as you can imagine this writer tries his best to get them into a bigger mess! What does this mean in plain English, yes you have it, they failed in all departments, need I say more! Wind W with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.4 mm, Maximum air temperature 15.6c.

17/6/17 All the Salmon and Sea Trout headlines come from the North Shore and the Bungalow, in the C&R fly department, Mr. Peter Liddell, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of caught a fine 2 ½ lbs. Sea Trout on the fly. Staying at the Bungalow, in Neil’s hired out boat department, Mr. Henan and party caught a fine 7 ½ lbs. Salmon and caught a nice basket of Sea Trout all on the fly. Wind WSW light with bright sunshine until evening. Yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.1 mm. Maximum air temperature 17.4c.

Lots of sun and hardly a breath of wind

18 /6/17 Lough Currane was like a mill pond this morning, come afternoon there was a light breeze from the west and with bright sunshine all day and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know  today’s results, need I say more, I will let you come to your own conclusion on the Waterville anglers performance.

not fishing
26C – horse back beats lake boat

19/6/17  Lough Currane was like Blazing Saddles and for good reason, the sun was blazing down on the water and what anglers were out, they looked like Phantoms of the opera! One renowned fly angler Mr. Rudy Vey of the U.S.A. and Waterville, took to the saddle and the wild Pony Tracks of Lough Currane and as you can see by his fantastic photos his decision to take to the saddle was correct and in the words of his host Mr. Grant Rogerson of the Ring of Kerry Equestrian Centre, as they made it to the top of the hill looking over Currane, its nearly 26c, on that note you can understand why my Noble anglers failed miserably in their duties. Wind light W. Yesterday weather, maximum air temperature 22.2c.

20/6/17 There is thunder and lightening in the air so straight to the facts of the day, well its simple there isn’t any and with bright sunshine and very humid and very light and variable wind, what do you expect, Fish! well think again because the Lough Currane anglers failed in all departments but to be fair we will exonerate the 4 boats out fishing this day on the hot waters of Currane. Wind as already stated. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 23.9

That is your ration from the last week on Lough Currane, from your Gillie and the Waterville Fishery, no spin no fly’s just facts.
Vincent Appleby

Make a Booking

Vincent Appleby Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see