Conditions were perfect at Ballinamona last Tuesday according to Menapia Sea Angling Club but unfortunately the fishing was tough with everyone struggling to scratch out a few fish.

Flounder on a measuring board
The anglers were encouraged by the catches though the fishing was tough

Winner on the night of this leg of the Masters Angler, and his first win of the year, was Rob Denby within 11 fish which included dogs, flounder and bass. Second place went to new member Kieran Dempsey also on 11 fish, and in third place was Brendan Wall again on 11 fish.

Young smoothhound
This smoothie pup won longest fish

Longest fish went to Craig Maher with a 36cm pup hound.

Very notable was the amount of schoolie bass landed on the night a good sign that stocks are improving.

Join the Club…

The Menapia Sea Angling Club was founded in 2000, by a small handful of Wexford anglers. It was felt that to retain and grow interest & membership of a successful club, it would have to engage a wide variety shore-angling, that would cater for all. For more information see