Declan Cooke reports that it has been an extremely productive trout angling season so far on Lough Conn, despite long periods of bright dry weather. With water levels at a very low extreme and conditions that would usually see anglers heading for the beach, the trout have continued to feed and provide some very exciting angling.
In the last week however, conditions have become more unsettled with patches of rain and cloud. Winds have also picked up and, in general, weather is more amenable to fishing. There is also a rapidly progressing mayfly hatch and even some spent gnat to be seen throughout the lake.
Colm McAndrew had a superb day in Castlehill bay recently with seven good fish, mostly on a grey wulff. Amongst them was this beautifully marked fish of 2.75 lbs. All fish were returned.
Jonathan O’Grady from Westport also had a memorable outing in early May, mainly fishing in the Massbrook area. He had this hefty trout of 3.8lbs, as well as numerous smaller fish.
Garry Keaveney and Raymond Stewart had a brilliant evening at Cloonamoyne as a heavy fall of spent brought on a spectacular rise of fish. They had 14 fish between them in just over an hour.
Bes fish was 2lbs and all but one deeply hooked trout were returned. Basil Shield’s royal wulff in a size 12 was the pattern which excelled.