Donal Kennedy reports
On Monday 3rd July a party of French and Irish anglers set out from Killala Harbour for a day’s fishing. The day was labelled “Flatty Day” as the challenge was to fish for any flat fish and hopefully catch many different species. The weather was ideal with light southerly winds and the day started well with the French party catching 3 thornback rays on their first drop. The next drift produced dab, plaice and turbot. Good numbers of lesser spotted dogfish were caught too along with red, grey and tub gurnards. On another drift more rays were caught including blonde, spotted and thornback. The best fish of the day, however, was a nice painted ray which turned out to be a specimen. All rays were returned alive to the water.

Fine ray from Killala Bay

To book a day’s fishing in Killala Bay contact Donal Kennedy on +353 (0)086 8174509 or visit