Inland Fisheries Ireland is currently investigating the cause of multiple carp mortalities at The Lough in Cork city and at Belvelly Lake, Cobh, Co. Cork.

As of today, some 450 carp have been removed from The Lough and over 20 from Belvelly, with live samples brought to the Irish Marine Institute for analysis.

While the samples from The Lough showed a heavy presence of trichodiniasis, the primary cause of death has not yet been confirmed.

Angling has been suspended at both locations until further notice.

There are no reports of fish health issues at any other carp fishery.

A carp in The Lough

As a precautionary measure, IFI has temporarily suspended angling at nearby Inniscarra and Carrigadrohid coarse fisheries in order to reduce the risk of cross contamination. This will be reviewed once the cause of the mortalities is known.

We would remind all anglers and, in particular, those who may have fished the affected waters in the last number of weeks, to follow appropriate disinfection procedures for all gear and to comply with local notices and bio-security measures. We thank them for their co-operation.

There are no reports of fish health issues at any other carp fishery,

Updates on this and the status of the angling suspension will be available at and and Facebook.