Lough Currane and River Inny updates from Vincent Appleby and the Waterville Lakes and Trust…
The Appleby Reports
6/6/18 Lough Currane was all quiet on all fronts and that’s not surprising, it was very humid and thundery but I must admit there was no thunder in the sky’s or the anglers reels. Wind light West with good cloud cover at times. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 21.5c.
7/6/18 Heat waves still in control of the Waterville Fishery which isn’t surprising with the sun blazing down on Currane and very thundery at times so its not surprising that the Currane Anglers are spending more money on suntan lotion and bottles of water than they are on flies and lours. Wind W light and very warm. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 17.8c.
8/6/18 The Lough Currane Salmon and Sea Trout anglers were as quiet as each other this day and in the words of one Cork angler who caught a fine Brown Trout just under 2 lbs. he said to me, as I sportingly put it back, I said to myself its healthy for the fish but this hot weather isn’t fit for man or beast and I replied its not much good Fishing either and a good flood wouldn’t do any harm. On a lighter note I will leave you in the hands of Vincent Donnelly, the talented Fisherman and Artist extraordinaire. Wind light NW very bright and hot. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 19.4c.
9/6/18 The Lough Currane anglers are digging into their low water fly boxes and sadly today they failed but not miserably and the same goes for the Currane Lure men, and you don’t have to be a meteorological scientist to know that the Currane Anglers are in badly need of Water as they headed for nearest watering hole this evening after their good sun tanning today. Wind W light and very sunny and warm is an understatement. Yesterday’s Weather, maximum air temperature 21.9c.
10/6/18 Low Lake or not, at least one boat saw some good action in the trolling today, in the keep net and the C&R department, all the action came from the Bungalow and at www.oshealoughcurrane.com Angler Mr. John Smith caught and released a fine 10 lbs. Salmon and finished his day with a fine Grilse in the 4 lbs. plus class, all while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of www.oshealoughcurrane.com and for the rest of the Currane anglers it was all quite on the SW front. So I can say without any fear of contradiction and to all you pessimistic anglers if your not out there you can’t catch fish and here lies the lesson. Wind East light with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays Weather, maximum air temperature 18.8c.
11/6/18 We the Currane anglers are trying our best to procure a few C&R Photos but sadly our wild Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout kept their heads down in deeper and cooler waters of Lough Currane, as we the Anglers were sweating the day out and hoping for a rod bender and at times looking to the heavens praying for rain. Wind NNE light to fresh with reasonable cloud cover. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 15.9c.
12/6/18 The Lough Currane Anglers tried their best to procure C&R but as we all know the elements are against us weather wise. Wind East light, bright and sunny. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 18.1c.
13/6/18 Lough Currane was on a wild side with strong SW wind blowing across the Lake and I was informed by Currane anglers detective agency that only the odd boat ventured out. Wind as already stated, reasonable cloud cover with light misty rain. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 17.2c. Today my Father would of been 90 years young today so dad you be gone but your not forgotten all I can say is you were a Great Dad, Great Angler, Great Engineer.
That is your ration from the last week on Lough Currane, from your Gillie and the Waterville Fishery, no spin no fly’s just facts.
Vincent Appleby
The Trust report
The continuing sunny weather, whilst a joy to our tourists, has made the angling in the system somewhat problematic to say the least! A few salmon are still showing up in catches on Lough Currane, almost exclusively caught on the troll. No sea trout have been recorded, although a few decently sized fish have been seen jumping in the usual spots. This situation has resulted in very little fishing effort and most days in this last couple of weeks the Lake has been almost empty of boats. Clearly, if no boats are out fishing no fish are being caught! Even our productive brown trout fishery on the Upper Lakes has been suffering from the prolonged hot spell, with most of the trout preferring to stay in the deeper water, but at least the situation here is temporary, as a change in the weather will improve the fishing immediately.
The Trust has agreed to help with a local IFI data collection effort to try and evaluate the actual level of sea trout stocks in the system. This will involve the recording and measuring of any sea trout caught over the next few weeks, together with collecting scale samples from each fish recorded. Anglers are asked to co-operate with this as much as possible.
Scale sample envelopes and instruction sheets will be available from the Mace Store in Waterville from this coming weekend and we would urge all anglers intending to fish in the Currane Catchment in the coming weeks, to make the effort to participate. Most regular anglers are now convinced that unless the government are prepared to take difficult decisions to limit the scope of offshore salmon farming, the dire state of the famous Currane sea trout stocks, is not going to improve anytime soon, so we must do anything we can do to prove the extent of the crash in the stocks before its too late.
Could I also remind anglers, who collected information on our WL&RT sea trout smolt recording initiative, to let me have their record as soon as possible please. Send to [email protected].
Rod Robinson
Waterville Lakes & Rivers Trust
Go fishing…
Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.salmonandseatrout.com
Waterville Lakes and Rivers Trust
The Waterville Lakes & Rivers Trust, formed by concerned volunteers in 2016, is one of the new Rivers Trusts to be set up in Ireland and is currently aspiring to Charitable Status. Its remit is to protect the fresh and coastal waters of the Iveragh Peninsula.
Find out more and how you can contribute at
Find out more about Lough Currane…
The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see