Lough Currane and River Inny updates from Vincent Appleby

26/9/18 Straight to the action at www.lakelandshouse.com we start in their backdate department and we head for the world famous Butler Pool and at www.watervillegolflinks.ie German fly angler Mr. Manfred Yannack, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of www.lakelandshouse.com caught a fine 5lbs. Salmon, now we head down stream in the hired out boat department of www.lakelandshouse.com and staying with yesterday fine catches, German fly anglers Stefan and Vernard, caught 10 Juniors. Now back to today’s action at www.lakelandshouse.com US anglers Bill and Lisa Meadal headed out on to Lough Currane with their Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of www.lakelandshouse.com and caught two Salmon on the troll, both in the 4 lbs. Class. Now we cut across the Lake and to the North Shore to the Bungalow and at www.oshealoughcurrane.com and at www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com Scottish fly angler, Mr. Ewan McGregor, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and at www.oshealoughcurrane.com caught 11 Sea Trout. For the rest of Currane anglers it was all quiet on the SW front. Wind SSW light to fresh with good cloud cover this morning and bright sunshine in the afternoon. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 14.6 c.

27/9/18 Lough Currane witnesses some great Sea Trout fly action today, so straight to action and we start at [email protected] Harbour, renowned Ballyduff fly C&R angler Garry Wotton, fishing out of www.bayviewhotelwaterville.com and fishing with his gillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan at [email protected] caught 8 Sea Trout yesterday and followed that up with 12 Sea Trout today and Garry’s fish of his trip was 2 ½ lbs. and I can tell you Garry was delighted with all departments and as he said to me in the Bay View Hotel and at www.bayviewhotelwaterville.com this evening I’m going for a pint and even though I say it myself I deserve it after those two great days fly fishing and of course that includes my first class Gillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan and at [email protected] Staying with the Sea fly department, Mr. Paul Lawton and party saw some great action and in Paul’s own words and I think this sums up a great days manipulations on Lough Currane today, so take it away Paul. Fishing party of Paul Lawton. Mr. peter Muldoon and Mr. Ray Bryne, when the sun went down in the afternoon we had great fishing lost no fish and the best was 3lbs. Wind NW light and Paul as given you today’s weather facts. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 17. 2c.

28/9/18 Today was many happy returns in both Salmon and Sea Trout departments, so straight to the Bungalow and at www.oshealoughcurrane.com and also at www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com Mr. Neil Shiers and Mr. John McGee of the UK, caught two Salmon/Grilse and two Sea Trout on the troll, while fishing with their Gillie Mr, Neil O’Shea and at  www.oshealoughcurrane.com Now we head for Mr. Paul Lawton’s Sea Trout Party and their many happy returns and in Paul’s own words, Vincent,  We had 15 trout between us today and the best was 1½ lbs. to Mr. Peter Muldoon. Weather, Lough Currane was like a milk pond except for the odd gust which stayed an average of ten minutes then went flat calm again and it was like that all day. Yesterday maximum air temperature 15.9 c.

29/9/18 For starters we go back to yesterday and for good reason the Paparazzi failed  miserably in my duties because as I failed to report a fine catch by Mr. John O’Sullivan, while trolling with his Gillie Mr. Terence Wharton, caught a 4 lbs. Grilse and finished their day off with two fine juniors. Now back to today and we start at the Bungalow and at www.oshealoughcurrane.com and also at www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com Mr. Neil Shiers and Mr. John, McGee of the UK, while fishing with their Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and at  www.oshealoughcurrane.com caught 8 Sea Trout. Now we head downstream to the World Famous Butler Pool and at www.watervillegolflinks.ie there were two Salmon caught today on the pool. Now for the weather Lough Currane was calm all day and overcast. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 14.7 c.

30/9/18 Well as we all know today was the last day of the 2018 Salmon Season on the Waterville Fishery, so straight to the Salmon and Sea Trout action and all the Salmon  headlines go to Local Gillie Mr. Bob Priestley and his clients and for good reason, while fly Fishing they caught a fine 9lbs. Salmon and they finished their day off with 8 Sea Trout. Now we head for the Sea Trout fly department, UK and Ireland Angler Mr. Phil Staniforth caught 21 Sea Trout all while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of www.fishingwithdom.com Now we head for Nort Shore  [email protected] Harbour, Local Gillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan and at  [email protected] and his clients caught 2 Sea Trout and 5 Brown Trout. Staying with the North Shore and the Bungalow and at www.oshealoughcurrane.com and also at www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com Mr. Neil Shiers and Mr. John McGee of the UK, While fly-fishing with their Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of www.oshealoughcurrane.com caught 8 Sea Trout. Wind NNW fresh and overcast.

1/10/18 It was all many happy returns in the Sea Trout department today and all the action came from the Bungalow and at www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com also at www.oshealoughcurrane.com Dublin fly Angler Mr. Enrico Fantasia, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea of  www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com caught 8 Sea Trout ranging from Juniors up to 3 lbs. For the rest of the Currane anglers it was all quiet on the SW front. Wind NNW fresh and overcast. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 12.8 c.

2/10/18 The Currane Anglers were all quiet on the SW front in all departments. Wind NW fresh and overcast and cold. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 14.6 c.

3/10/18  Currane fly anglers were looking for wind first thing today so they could present their selection of flies, but as the day went on they couldn’t make it a point to entice a Sea Trout to their droppers, but after a hard season they are exonerated of any criticism. Wind W then veered SW light to calm at times and overcast. Yesterdays weather, maximum air temperature 14. 3 c

4/10/18 The Currane anglers fly reels were as quiet on all fronts but as I say that, news just in, two Swedish fly anglers, while fishing with their gillie Neil  O’Shea of www.oshealoughcurrane.com caught two Sea Trout on the drift. Wind NW fresh then veered South, strong   and overcast all day. Yesterday’s weather maximum air temperature  15.4c.

5/10/18 We start in the Waterville Boats and at [email protected] backdate department,  in the last few days Mr. Michael Mc. Sweeney caught 20 Juniors on the fly , fishing with his Gillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan and at watervilleboats@gmail Now back to today. All the action comes from the Bungalow and at www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com and will let the Gillie tell his side on today’s manipulations in their Sea Trout fly department, so take it away Mr. Tom O’Shea and at www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com, Hi Vincent , caught  6 sea trout best fish 1.5lb all C&R while fishing with Mr. Kevin Lavery. Wind Northeast light with good cloud cover. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 14.5c.

6/10/18 Currane anglers were all quiet on all fronts and that’s not surprising with a light wind chill from the North and bright and sunny , need I say more! Yesterday’s weather; 12 . 4 c.

7/10/18 The Currane anglers had a rough day of it and for good reason, there was a strong SW wind blowing down the lake and I can tell you only the odd couple headed out and going by the phone there was little caught. Wind as already stated and overcast.  Yesterday’s weather,  maximum air temperature 12 . 3c .

8/10/18 Again the Currane Sea Trout fly anglers were let down by the weather and with a strong SW wind blowing down the Lake, that’s not surprising that their fly reels were in a silent mode on this wild day on Lough Currane and if there were any boats out there, again it would only the odd couple. Wind as already stated and overcast. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 15. 1 c.

9/10/18 The Currane Sea Trout fly anglers called it a day even before their casts were tied this morning and for good reason, there was a strong SW wind blowing down the lake and with Storm Callum approaches Ireland fast there is a good chance Currane anglers will have another forced bank holiday in the last few days of the 2018 Season. Wind as all ready stated and good cloud cover. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 15.2 c.

10/10/18 Waterville fishery was at a standstill and the upper Lakes and Lough Derriana were just as wild and in the words of Local Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea of www.flyfishingatloughcurrane.com No good, Strong SE wind blowing and that sums today’s action, you could say it was all wind and staying with the wind,
Status Orange – Wind warning for Cork and Kerry
Storm Callum: Southeast winds veering southwest will gust generally between 100 and 130km/h, higher in some coastal areas and on high ground. Along with a spell of heavy rain and high tides there is a risk of coastal flooding and damage.
Issued: Wednesday 10 October 2018 19:00
Updated: Wednesday 10 October 2018 19:00
Valid from Thursday 11 October 2018 22:00 to Friday 12 October 2018 09:00

That is your ration  from your Gillie and the Waterville Fishery, no spin no fly’s just facts.

Vincent Appleby

Go fishing…

Vincent Appleby

Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.salmonandseatrout.com

Waterville Lakes and Rivers Trust

The Waterville Lakes & Rivers Trust, formed by concerned volunteers in 2016, is one of the new Rivers Trusts to be set up in Ireland and is currently aspiring to Charitable Status. Its remit is to protect the fresh and coastal waters of the Iveragh Peninsula.

Find out more and how you can contribute at

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see