Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane where the first reported salmon of the year from Co. Kerry was caught earlier this month, but anglers are been made to wait for the next one…

7/2/19  Just a few boats out in a nice SW wind with good cloud cover and all the Currane anglers caught  were a few Kelts on the troll. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 17.8  mm.
Maximum  air temperature  10.3C.

8/2/19 Lough Currane was at a stand still as strong SW wind hits Currane followed by rain and hale stones. Yesterday’s weather, Amount of  rainfall 7.9 mm . Maximum air temperature 10.7C.

9/2/19 Lough Currane was all quite on the SW front in all departments , after Storm Erik . Wind SW Fresh with good cloud cover. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 12.6 mm . Maximum air temperature  11.4C.

10/2/19 Lough Currane was all quiet on the SW front in all departments as again the wind takes control with a squally NW wind and cold.
Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 3.8 mm. Maximum air temperature 9.4C.

11/2/19 All quiet on the SW front and talking of the SW that’s exactly where the wind was coming from, plus there was reasonable cloud cover, but sadly the Currane anglers didn’t stimulate their flies or lures enough to procure a Wild Atlantic Salmon, bur remember Currane anglers especially fly Anglers its coming up to the middle of the month so keep on line or even better catch a Wild Lough Currane salmon on a fly line. Weather as already stated, yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 4. 5 mm. Maximum air temperature 8.6C.

12/2/19 Local Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of  reported that the only bit of action for the Currane anglers today was in the Kelt department and just for the record Dominic caught 4 Kelts today on the troll. Staying in the Kelt department, yesterday, proprietor of Robert Elson   caught 5 Kelts on the troll, while fishing with his good friend and local angler Mr. Brod O’Sullivan. Today’s weather, wind SW fresh and overcast all day with misty rain, yesterdays weather, amount of rainfall 0.8 mm. Maximum air temperature 11.5C.

That is your ration  from your Gillie and the Waterville Fishery, no spin no fly’s just facts.

Vincent Appleby

Go fishing…

Vincent Appleby

Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]

Waterville Lakes and Rivers Trust

The Waterville Lakes & Rivers Trust, formed by concerned volunteers in 2016, is one of the new Rivers Trusts to be set up in Ireland and is currently aspiring to Charitable Status. Its remit is to protect the fresh and coastal waters of the Iveragh Peninsula.

Find out more and how you can contribute at

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see