Siegy Grabher, skipper of Sioux out of Valentia Island reports on the fishing around the Skelligs and Valentia Island…
Fantastic fishing and fantastic weather the last few days around the #Skelligs!
Plenty of good sized fish are coming aboard; lots of pollack, ling, cod, coalies and wrasse. Austrian guests are catching lots of good fish; Jogi caught a big ling, Michi and Gunti are also pictured with nice cod and pollack.

Go fishing…
The charter boat “Sioux” is an Offshore 105 equipped with a 300 hp Ford Sabre Turbo Diesel engine. The season for most species is from April to the end of September; cod, pollock, ling, coalfish, whiting, haddock, mackerel, garfish, pouting, plaice, ballan wrasse, cuckoo wrasse, grey and red gurnard, seabass, mullet, skate, ray-thornback, conger eel, dogfish, bullhuss and blueshark (July – September)
35′ Offshore 105. 300 HP Ford
Valentia Island, Co. Kerry.
Tel: +353 66 9476420 or +353 87 6871267
Email: [email protected] Website: