A new documentary series called “Make Way for the King” is being broadcast on KCLR (Kilkenny Carlow Local Radio Station). The series is being run over a six week period and is dedicated to salmon and all things to do with salmon. It began last Tuesday, 8th of September and runs once a week until Tuesday, 13th of October. The series is part of NASCO’s Education & Outreach Project for the International Year of the Salmon. The first programme was dedicated to the past, when salmon were plentiful on the River Nore and fishermen and river enthusiasts recalled the days of cot boat fishing, operating ‘The Big Net’ in Inistioge and the huge industry that evolved around the export of salmon to England. The programme also had men from the Kilkenny Anglers Association on to give an account of what it’s like to fish on the Nore these days. Professor Ken Whelan, Research Director with the Atlantic Salmon Trust participates throughout the series and he also features in this programme. He describes his first salmon fishing experience on the Nore; introducing the listeners to the implications that political, environmental and social policies have had on the Wild Atlantic salmon population. If you are interested in listening back to this series then you can follow this link: https://kclr96fm.com/documentary/programme-1-memories-of-salmon-fishing-on-the-river-nore/
The next programme in the “Make Way for the King” series will be broadcast on Tuesday, 15th of September between 4 and 6 pm. It will focus on the life cycle of the salmon, it’s journey to the sea and also links up with the Sami fishing community in Norway whose culture revolves around the salmon.