Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane

4/5/20 All quiet on all fronts. Wind East strong and veered Southeast at times and cold followed by good cloud cover. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 14.6 centigrade.

5/5/20 All quiet on the South West front, the same could not be said for the wind and for good reason, there was a strong South East wind blowing, as the odd Currane Angler looked up to the overcast sky. That sums up today’s notes. An angler’s quote of the day, a great fisherman’s confidence to catch a fish comes from his passion, not his gear, mind you your good wife might have a different opinion, if you get my drift. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 17.0 centigrade.

6/5/20 Here’s today’s meteorological report from Lough Currane, Wind Southeast fresh and overcast and followed by heavy showers and prolonged at times. Now for some good news on the Angling news from Inland fisheries Ireland. Click and read. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 13.6 centigrade.

7/5/20 The Currane Anglers were as quiet as the Lambs, in all departments. Wind SSE. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 15.2 centigrade.

8/5/20 The Currane Anglers were all quiet on all fronts, to be fair to the anglers, Lough Currane is lacking fresh water, plus with bright sunshine all day, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know their chances of catching a Salmon are as low as the Lake. Wind South light. Yesterday’s weather, amount of rainfall 8.1 mm. Maximum air temperature 14.6 centigrade.

9/5/20 Light and variable winds all day and very thundery, that sums up today’s manipulations, or I should say the lack of, but what would you expect when there is thunder in the air. All I can say you might get a good strike if one is fishing with a carbon fibre rod. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 17.4 centigrade.

Reflections of Lough Currane today!
Reflections of Lough Currane today!

10/5/20 No thundering reports this day as the Currane Anglers headed out in flat calm conditions this morning, finally the wind did get up from the North East and that sums up today’s manipulations. As they say the picture tells the story. Yesterday weather, maximum air temperature 20.5 centigrade.

11/5/20 All quiet on all fronts on this cold and sunny day. Wind Strong East. Now for all you anglers who sadly live outside the 5 Kilometres fishing line, like my good self, all I can say is be patient, because It is far better being lockdown at home than being lockdown in the graveyard!  Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 16.2 centigrade.

12/5/20 Here is the Lough Currane meteorological report, early this morning, wind was East and then veered Southwest in the afternoon with reasonable cloud cover at times. The Currane detective agency reported that there were two boats out manipulating and one Salmon caught on the troll. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 12.6 centigrade.

13/5/20 We start with the sad news that Mrs. Betty McGillicuddy, of Baslicon Waterville Passed Away, on behalf of the Lough Currane Anglers and all the good People of Caherdaniel, Waterville and all of Kerry, we send our Sincere sympathies to Dan and all the McGillicuddy Family and friends. Special note from the Lough Currane Anglers, to renowned Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy, again our Sincere sympathies on the passing of your good Mother R. I. P.  And on today’s manipulations, all quiet on all fronts. Wind light North East and variable. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 14.1 centigrade.

14/5/20 All quiet on all fronts and that includes the one that got away. Wind NE light, bright sunshine all day. Yesterday’s weather, maximum air temperature 13.9 centigrade.

Vincent Appleby

Go fishing…

Vincent Appleby

Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see