With the current COVID lockdown and 5km travel restrictions in Ireland, Marcin Kantor has not been able to travel for weeks now. So he put together this video to relive his best of pike fishing memories from 2020…
Marcin’s notes: Pike fishing in Ireland is one of my favourite types of fishing during the cold winter months. Here are my memories of the 2019-2020 season. In the video you will see Big Pike, actually my personal best pike to date of 114cm and 26.5lbs, which is a huge pike by any standards. Also, you will see dead baiting for pike, pike lure fishing and fly fishing for pike. Lots of action, not too much talking to put us all in the mood, so we go out, keep casting no matter what until we catch our dream fish. My biggest pike was caught on quite a small lure – Salmo Slider 10cm sinking version in the pike pattern. But I also caught some large pike while dead bait fishing. Recently I have started fly fishing for pike as you could see from the recent videos and to date caught some big pike on the fly, although not the 20lb pike I’d love to get., and I hope it helps you all get by until we can enjoy our angling again.