Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane…

10/6/21 The Currane anglers were all quiet on all fronts on this misty foggy day, wind SSW light to fresh.

11/6/21 There were 4 boats out this bright sunny day and all I can say is that the suntan lotion was in full swing but sadly their lines were slack in all departments. Wind West light to fresh.

12/6/21 The Currane Anglers were all quiet in all departments so the least said the soonest mended. Wind SSW light and bright at times.

13/6/21 Lough Currane was all quiet on all fronts on this calm and humid day and to the best of my knowledge there were only two boats out going by the naked eye and going by the lack of vibrations on my phone I take it there were no vibrations in their rods or reels. Wind SSW with reasonable cloud cover.

14/6/21 My Noble Currane anglers were all quiet on all fronts this day as the sun blazed down on Lough Currane. You could say suntan lotion was the order of the day and I can say that without any fear of contradiction, Wild Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout were off the menu. Wind NNW light.

15/6/21 The Currane Anglers were all quiet on the rough waters of Lough Currane this day with a strong Southerly wind cutting across the Lake, but there was a fine 13 lbs. Salmon caught on the World-Famous Butler Pool at  Now to you Inny manipulators, There is a nice drop rain forecasted for this weekend as you see if click

16/6/21 All quiet on the Salmon front, on the Brown and Sea Trout front there were a few caught on the drift and to be more precise 3 nice Sea Trout up to 2 lbs. Followed by 20 Brown trout all caught around the Oven and Rabbit. Just for the record there were six boats out which is great to see. Wind SW light to fresh with reasonable cloud cover at times.

Vincent Appleby

Go fishing…

Vincent Appleby

Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see