With the September Belturbet festival looming, and the Belturbet Angling and Conservation Club determined to have the fishing closer to the town, some club members headed out on Sunday morning morning to a venue a short drive away.

It used to be a featured venue in the festival many years ago, although back then it was accessed from a different shore. After cutting out a few swims the anglers drew their pegs. Conditions were far from ideal – with very bright sunshine and only a light breeze. Top four on the pole and up to 20ft on some pegs on the tip.

Luckily club members were quickly into the fish, with Tony landing a 6lb bream after 20mins. Everyone caught well, with lots of roach and hybrids on the pole and the chance of monster bream on the tip. Needless to say we were impressed. Roger Baker did the best with a mixed bag and 9 bream that weighed 45lb on their own! Overall, a successful reconnaissance mission for the team.

Roger Baker with his impressive haul of bream