Home Other news Longford landowner fined for disturbance of spawning beds

Longford landowner fined for disturbance of spawning beds


Appeal to landowners to consult with Inland Fisheries Ireland before carrying out works on or near watercourses

Mr Colm Ginty from Dunbeggan, Aughnacliffe Co. Longford was convicted and fined €1,000 and ordered to pay a further €1,727.91 towards costs and expenses at Longford District Court on the 12th of April 2022 following a prosecution taken by Inland Fisheries Ireland.

Judge Bernie Owens convicted Mr Ginty under Section 173(1)(d) Fisheries (Consolidation) Act 1959 for carrying out works on the Aughnacliffe River on the 30th of June 2021 that involved the removal of a substantial amount of gravel from the channel of the river and causing the destabilisation of the bank. The works were carried out in an area of spawning habitat for wild brown trout and disturbed and injured sensitive spawning beds and bank where the spawn or fry of trout may be.

River Aughnacliffe after gravel removal

The court heard evidence from Senior Fisheries Environmental Officer Ailish Keane as to the adverse impacts caused by the actions which occurred on 30th June 2021 along the 90m section of the river. Ms Keane also outlined the negative long-term impacts that the works would have on the lifecycle of the brown trout for years to come. She explained that IFI staff frequently consult with farmers who want to carry out works in rivers and outline the way works should be carried out to avoid potential damage to fish life.

The Aughnacliffe River is a tributary of The Erne River Catchment which contains excellent spawning habitat for wild brown trout.

Inland Fisheries Ireland has a confidential hotline number to enable members of the general public to report alleged incidents of water pollution, fish kills and illegal fishing- 0818 34 74 24, which is open 24 hours a day.