Home Salmon fishing reports Very low water on the Moy and few salmon reported

Very low water on the Moy and few salmon reported


Kevin O’Boyle reports that there were 15 Salmon recorded for the week ending 18/09/2022, with 6 of these released. Water levels were extremely low for this time of year. Water levels recorded at Ballylahan Bridge (waterlevel.ie) on the Monday morning were 0.301m and dropped off to 0.192m on  Sunday night.

The Moy Fishery recorded 5 sea trout ranging in weight from 1.5lbs.– 3lbs. all released and 1 brown trout for the week also released.

Mount Falcon Fishery had 1 salmon for the week and was released.

Coolcronan Fishery had 2 salmon for the week on bubble and fly.

Armstrong’s Fishery recorded 1 salmon caught on the bubble and fly.

Gannon’s Fishery  recorded 1 salmon on bubble and fly

Foxford Fishery reported 5 grilse caught on bubble and fly, 1 of which was released.

East Mayo Anglers  recorded 5 salmon for the week, and 4 released.

Go fishing…

River Moy