Kevin O’Boyle reports that there were 15 Salmon recorded for the week ending 18/09/2022, with 6 of these released. Water levels were extremely low for this time of year. Water levels recorded at Ballylahan Bridge ( on the Monday morning were 0.301m and dropped off to 0.192m on Sunday night.
The Moy Fishery recorded 5 sea trout ranging in weight from 1.5lbs.– 3lbs. all released and 1 brown trout for the week also released.
Mount Falcon Fishery had 1 salmon for the week and was released.
Coolcronan Fishery had 2 salmon for the week on bubble and fly.
Armstrong’s Fishery recorded 1 salmon caught on the bubble and fly.
Gannon’s Fishery recorded 1 salmon on bubble and fly
Foxford Fishery reported 5 grilse caught on bubble and fly, 1 of which was released.
East Mayo Anglers recorded 5 salmon for the week, and 4 released.
Go fishing…