Home Salmon fishing reports Steady Fishing on the Moy, despite lower water levels

Steady Fishing on the Moy, despite lower water levels


Moy Catchment Angling Report – 22nd July to 4th August 2024

Water levels reduced incrementally over this two-week period following on from the flood on 20th July. Water levels of 0.8 m were recorded at Ballylahan on Monday, 22nd July, dropping off to 0.45 m on 28th July and dropping further still to 0.25 m on Sunday 4th August. Over the past seven days, rainfall amounts were well below average across much of Ireland, with the exception of west and northwest fringes, which saw nearly 3 times the average. It was wettest in Belmullet, where 62.4 mm was recorded.

Peter Wadding releasing a nice salmon back to the Ridge Pool

Moy Fishery
A combined total of 98 salmon were caught in the Moy Fishery this fortnight with 41 taken and 57 released back safely to the water. The Ridge Pool accounted for 80 of these, with The Cathedral Beat producing 13 and the lightly fished Weir Pool the remaining 5. Weights ranged from 2.5 lbs to 11 lbs with the majority of the fish in the 4 lbs to 5 lbs mark.

James Mc Cooey and his little assistant releasing another nice salmon back to The Cathedral Beat
Father and son tag team Joe and Darragh Walsh making memories at the Moy Fishery on 22nd July with Darragh’s first and second salmon.

Ballina Salmon Anglers.
A total of 85 salmon were reported caught this fortnight. The majority were caught on the worm and spinning, weighing from 2.5 lbs to 5 lbs, with the best of 8 lbs caught on the fly.

Mount Falcon Estate
A total of 49 salmon were reported caught, with 27 taken and 22 released, with weights ranging from 4 lbs to 6 lbs and the best for the fortnight weighing in at 8 lbs.

Knockmore Salmon Anglers
Kenneth reported 48 salmon caught on the prawn and worm, weighing from 3 lbs to 6 lbs, with 8 of these released back to the water.

Attymass Angling Club
Kevin reported 8 salmon caught, weighing 4 lbs to 5 lbs, all taken on the prawn and worm.

Nicholas Murphy with his first ever salmon weighing just over 6 lbs.

Coolcronan Fishery
Nick reported 15 salmon for the fortnight all taken on the prawn and worm with weights up to 7 lbs.

Byrnes Fishery
Roy reported 20 salmon caught with weights ranging from 3 lbs up to 7 lbs. Most fish were taken on the prawn and worm.

Armstrong Fishery
George reported 49 salmon caught for the fortnight using all methods, showing nice weights of up to 8 lbs.

Gannon’s Fishery
Pat reported 35 salmon caught mostly on the prawn with weights up to 8 lbs with 9 of them released back to the water.

The Foxford Fishery
Granville reported 54 salmon caught for the fortnight using all methods, with the best caught on the worm, and 13 of them returned to the water. Reports were received of 44 salmon caught this fortnight in the Foxford town area. The bubble and fly and the worm appeared to be the most successful method, with most fish ranging between 3 lbs and 5 lbs and the best weighing 7 lbs

Foxford Salmon Anglers                                                                                            90 salmon were reported caught and taken in Foxford Salmon Anglers waters for the fortnight, with all methods showing good returns.

Foxford River Fest will take place from 23rd to 25th August.

Angling events will include:

  • Fishing competitions on the River Moy competing for the “River Fest Cup”
  • Free Casting Lessons by the Game Angling Instructors Association
  • Riverfest Irish Open Spey Casting Competition
  • Fly Tying Demonstrations

Further information is available from Harry Feeney on 087 2501858.

Cloongee Fishery
A total of 20 salmon were reported caught this fortnight with 15 of these reported as being released.  Weights ranged from 4 lbs to 8 lbs, and all were caught on the fly.

East Mayo Anglers Association
A total of 56 salmon were reported caught for the fortnight, of which 32 were released.

Moy Estuary
After a week of high tides driven by fresh winds sea trout angling on the Moy Estuary was hampered by the conditions. However, Karl and Linda Hannan hit the jackpot fishing on Pegasus with skipper Judd Ruane on the one calm day of the week ending 28th July where they landed 12 sea trout.