Lough Arrow Anglers report…
Well, the mayfly is underway at last! We have had good hatches of fly in some parts of the lake but not the overall big hatch yet. Sometimes, in sunny conditions, it is difficult to see how many flies are hatching off. Due to slack winds, some days a write-off for the dappers which was a pity. However I did see the long rods out this week. Last Thursday and Friday we have had great falls of spent which gives us a chance to catch the big trout, if we can locate them that is! Anyone out on the lake on Friday night had spectacular views of the Northern Lights over Lough Arrow. While the fishing has been difficult and challenging at times, talking to visiting anglers – they have had a lovely few days on this special lake.

Fishing conditions were not ideal and like the previous weekend, the weather was not suitable for dapping or the wets. Our winner with 4 trout was Diarmuid O’Brien – a great catch in those conditions. Congratulations also to Abbie McTiernan, winner of the junior angling competition and also to Paul Smith who caught the heaviest fish.

We all met in The Mayfly Inn for the prize giving and catch-up with friends – thanks again to Philip and Ellie for being such good hosts.
Tight lines and bent rods!