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Fishing Guides and Instructors in County Kerry

Salmon & Sea Trout Fishing

Contact: Vincent Appleby
Address Eureka Lodge Caherdaniel West Waterville Kerry V23 XD63 Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 2074882 Website: salmonandseatrout.com
Photo of Salmon & Sea Trout Fishing


Guide and Instructor for salmon and trout fishing

Notes: Having ghillied on Lough Currane for over 30 years Vincent is a great choice for those looking for a guided service or flyfishing instruction on the Lake. All ages are catered for and even experienced anglers will benefit from the watercraft and fly-lore unique to Lough Currane. All tackle is provided and accommodation can be organised if required.

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Eureka Lodge Caherdaniel West Waterville V23 XD63 Ireland

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