
Intrepid angler and specimen hunter, Michael Dennehy from Blarney reports on another albacore tuna expedition using his own boat fishing far out of the Kerry coast with some friends after these unique fish and it was a successful trip.  By e-mail:

“I’ve been at the tuna again.  With the large anticyclone earlier this week, we decided it was worth the effort to travel to Portmagee for the tuna. We departed at 02:30 am on Tuesday and arrived at the edge of the shelf at 06:30. After setting up the spread of lures I then began to troll along the shelf edge towards the SW.


We didnt have to wait long with the first fish on board by 8:00 am we caught fish steadily all day. The tuna were very obliging and would readily accept any lure that we presented them with. The biggest fish weighed 27.75 lb. so no specimens on this trip but fantastic fishing. The number of different whale species on view was amazing.  We had fin whales, humpbacks, minkies and pilot whales for company.”
Mike Dennehy
