September 18th – September 25th 2011

The lake provided challenging fishing to anglers over the past week with a wide variety of mainly dry flies being used to tempt the illusive Sheelin trout.  Interestingly enough there has been a lot of movement of stocked trout with only small appearances of wild fish.  There were small hatches of olives and some good quantities of sedge present particularly towards the later part of the week.

Lough Sheelin trout
Michael Kelly had 11 trout on 25/09 using dry flies and stimulators, his best was this 3.75lb fish

Two fishing competitions were hosted on Sheelin last Saturday, September 24th.

The Guider/McIntyre Cup attracted 25 anglers, the winners of this event were:

1st Eamonn Ross, Cavan with a 5.2 lbs fish

2nd Dessie McEntee, Cavan with his 4¼ lb trout

3rd Adrian Rush, Armagh with a fish over 2 lbs.

The second competition was the Royal Cup in which 15 anglers took part in, result were:

1st Paddy McCabe, Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan with a beautiful 5 lb 8 oz trout.

2nd Morris Little, Crover just narrowly being pushed into second place with his 5 lbs 7 oz trout.

3rd Garry Leddy, Baileboro, who caught a trout of just over 2 lbs.

Some catches were:

49 fish were recorded for the week

Patrick Dwyer and Paul Kavanagh, Gorey, Wexford on September 24th – 3 fish averaging 1½ – 2 lbs, all fish were in excellent condition.

John Murphy, Crover – on Saturday September 24th, 3 trout averaging 1½ – 2 lbs.

Michael Kelly, Dublin – on Thursday September 22nd eleven trout using dry flies and stimulators.  Nine trout averaged 1½ – 2½ lbs and two were 3 and 3¾ lbs.  Michael fished all over the lake on this day.  On Friday using dry flies around Orangefield, Merry pt., Derry pt and the Long Rock, six trout, four @ 1½ – 2 lbs and two @ 2½ lbs, the morning proved to be the best fishing time on this particular day.

Thomas Harton, Cavan – 2 trout on Friday September 23rd around Wilson’s and Church Island, averaged 1½ to 2 lbs.

Upcoming competitions

Things are starting to heat up at Lough Sheelin with the anticipation of next Saturday’s competition– ‘The Stream Rehabilitation Competition’ hosted by The Lough Sheelin Trout Protection Association. This popular event, which is in its 6th year attracts anglers from all over Ireland and its proceeds go directly towards the enhancement and rehabilitation of streams within the Sheelin catchment.

For further information please go to the club’s website or contact Eamonn Ross @ 086 6619834 or Thomas Lynch @ 087 9132033.

The Cavan/Monaghan Garda Division will host their Fly Fishing Competition and Open Competition on Lough Sheelin on Saturday October 8th from Kilnahard Pier from 11a.m to 6p.m.  This competition is for the heaviest fish and is open to visiting anglers, please contact Dessie McEntee at (047) 77216 or 086-8937568 for further information.

The L.S.T.P.A will be running fly tying classes at Lough Sheelin starting in October for young anglers from 10 yrs upwards.  Anyone interested should contact Thomas Lynch at 087 9132033 (after 6pm).
Brenda Montgomery
IFI – Limerick
Lough Sheelin Office
Email: [email protected]