Tuesday January 10 2012
I RECEIVED a text the other day from David Murphy which read ‘check your emails’. Now that can mean only one thing thought I to myself, he’s caught a decent pike.
A few days before Christmas David had been discussing buying a new pike kit – ‘I’ll bet that he has purchased said tackle and christened it on his first outing’. Opening up the wordless message sure enough there was an image attached, and opening it revealed a fine double-figure pike displayed by one very happy angler.
David had got a heads-up about a small lake not too far from where he lived. Carrying a stock of coarse fish to include rudd, roach and perch, word had it that lurking in its shadowy depths also were some very large pike. Not one to rest on his laurels, David hatched a plan.
Armed with frozen dead roach, David arrived at the venue early and after a bit of scoping decided to set up in a likely corner close to some reed beds. Setting up his matching Shimano pike rod and bait runner reel to which he attached a wire trace, David baited up with a dead roach and cast into a deep hole close to the reed beds.
To cut a long story short, it could not have gone better for him, as by lunchtime the intrepid angler had hooked three pike and landed two. The first was a jack pike around five lbs., followed shortly afterwards by a serious fish well into double figures which David lost at the net.
Read the full article:
Enniscorthy Guardian, 10/01/12