Boom! Here’s JOE’s 5 ways to escape the drudgery of a working week and become a Weekend Warrior.
Suffering from the inevitable end of autumn/start of winter inertia that annually descends like an A-Bomb of misery, jettisoning out radioactive plumes of boredom over your working week?
Well, here’s five ways to make like Mad Max and take control of this post-apocalyptic landscape by becoming a Weekend Warrior with some deadly holiday opportunities around Ireland…
A Bushcraft Holiday
With some Irish lads not knowing how to tie their own shoelaces in the morning, it’s time to man up… and this is your first step to becoming a Weekend Warrior and having good craic with the lads while you’re at it…
Fishing, tracking and wilderness survival under the supervision of skilled instructors while enjoying Ireland’s rugged, wild landscape will have you getting in touch with your cavemen ancestors and escaping the mundane Monday-Friday existence in the office playing with paperclips and looking at the clock.
There’s a plethora of places to visit in Ireland like Lough Allen and more information can be gleaned from, 03/09/12. Read the article. ‘‘Weekend Warriors: Top five Irish Weekend breaks for the lads’