North Kerry & River Feale by Paddy Halpin, IFI

Noel and Cian Mullins with a nice grilse from the Rive Feale

Conditions for Salmon fishing over the past week on the Feale were good after the floods during the early part of the week.  The catch for the week was 15 salmon reported for the catchment with the biggest fish weighing in at 13lbs caught by Dee Dennison, photo attached, in Matt Dillions section of the Abbeyfeale Anglers Fishery.  This fishery yielded a good catch for the week with members catching at least another 3 fish in the area.  Noel and Cian Mullins, photo attached, also had a good salmon in Abbeyfeale town which weighed 7lbs and was very fresh with sea lice attached.  Water conditions remain ideal for both fly fishing and spinning throughout the catchment and we are looking forward to a good weeks fishing on the Feale during the coming week.

Dee Dennisson and Paddy Sullivan with a nice salmon from the River Feale.