Ghillie/Guide Vincent Appleby reports on the recent fishing in the Lough Currane area.

21/6/12 I start this week’s report with an apology to renowned Angler Mr. Neil O’Neil, I stated in last week’s report that on the 17/6/12 that Neil caught 5 sea trout all in the 1 lb. class this incorrect, in actual fact Neil caught a cracker of a sea trout of 5 lb. caught on the fly, all I can say is sorry for that, but at least the record has been put straight

Neil O'Neill with a fine 5 lb. sea trout from Lough Currane

All the headlines go to the hired out boat department of Mr. David Vaughn and Mr. Leon Smith caught 2 sea trout in the 3 lb. class and they also saw a good few Juniors which is good news and staying Franks Hired out boat department Mr. Bill Bullock caught a fine 2 lb. sea trout and finished his day off with a 4 lb. sea trout, wind all over the place and overcast. 22/6/12 on the salmon front, a guest fishing with his ghillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of caught a grilse of just 2 lb. which they sportingly put back and they finished day off with a sea trout of 3 lb. on the fly and staying with the sea trout, just the odd Junior caught. Wind NW fresh to strong then veered WSW and veered S this evening fresh with reasonable cloud cover.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      23/6/12 Mr. Jonathan Fish of the UK fishing with his ghillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan and of caught a fine grilse in the 5 lb. class and 1 sea trout in the 2 lb. class, which they sportingly put all back, Mr. Keith Francis of Northampton of the UK fishing with his gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea of [email protected] caught 2 fine sea trout ranging from 2.5 lb. and up to 4 lb. and in in their C&R department Keith released a fine sea trout in the 5 lb. class, now we cut across to the south side and the hired out boat department of Mr. Barry Vaughn, caught a 5.5 lb. sea trout on the fly and I believe the this fly is some fly of distinction, the reason I say this, it was especially made for Barry by a good friend, and as he has caught a good few game fish on this fly his good friend as requested to have the fly returned back to him, all I can say is if Barry dose return this noble fly all I can say is Captain Mainwaring to that if you get my drift. And just for the record Barry was fishing with his good friend Mr. Phil Hawker, and in the losing department. Mr. John Lennon, lost a cracker of a sea trout and finished off his day by losing a fine salmon, talk about bad luck but that’s fishing. Wind was all over the place and eventually went south and overcast with light for most of the day.

24/6/12 There was good action in the trolling department and where do start at the beginning, on the early shift Mr. Dan Sugrue of Waterville, caught 3 salmon all in in the 8 to 9 lb. class, as always Dan was fishing with his ghillie Mr. Brod O’Sullivan of Stella Maris Waterville, also in good form was Mr. Donal O’Shea and of who caught a fine 6 lb. grilse on the troll, now we cut across to the south side, Mr Peter Keenan caught a 6 lb. grilse on the troll fishing in a hired out boat from Mr. Sylvester Donnelly, Now for my fish of the day and that goes to Mr. Ernest Smyth, who left Co Tyrone at 3.45 am this morning and by 3.45 pm this afternoon caught himself a fine 6 lb. grilse on the troll fishing with his ghillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan of Waterville Boats and of [email protected]

Ghillie Michael O Sullivan with Mr. Ernest Smyth Co Tyrone with a nice grilse

Now To the catch and release sea trout department, Mr. Keith Francis of the UK caught 3 sea trout ranging from Juniors up to 2 lb., fishing with his ghillie Mr. Tom O’Shea and of [email protected] staying with the sea trout, Mr. Paddy Barrette, fishing with his ghillie Mr Bob Priestley caught 2 sea trout, ranging from Junior Class up to 3 lb.

25/6/12 Straight to the salmon department, Mr. Ian McMullan of Co Wicklow, fishing with his ghillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of caught 2 fine salmon/grilse on the troll, ranging from 5 lb. up to 6 lb., and in the sea trout department Mr. Jim Sayers of Waterville caught 2 sea trout in the 2 lb. class and one he put back. Wind S fresh and overcast.

Mr. Ian McMullan, Wicklow with two nice grilse fishing with ghillie Neil O'Shea.

26/6/12 Straight to catch of the day and goes to Mr Peter Glover of Perth Scotland, who caught 3 grilse on the fly, fishing with his ghillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of on the sea trout front nothing that would hit the headlines, wind SW fresh and overcast light misty rain throughout the day.

Mr. Peter Glover, Perth, Scotland with ghillie Dominic McGillicuddy with three nice salmon

Vincent Appleby

Eureka Lodge

Caherdaniel West,

Co. Kerry.

Telephone:  +353 (0) 87 207 4882

E-mail: [email protected]
