Oh, it’s a long, long while from May to December
But the days grow short when you reach September
When the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame
One hasn’t got time for the waiting game.
Source – September Song
Jim Hendrick of South East Angling reports:
Markus hits the right notes…………..

And more success for Holger and Holger……..
Holger and Holger are returning home at the end of an interesting and challenging week. They had successes on both saltwater fly and lure in what remains a very unpredictable bass angling environment. Working extremely hard and never giving up, persisting and patient they got the results they deserved – a bonus for Irish angling tourism after a tough tough season.

As the high pressure extended onwards towards the end of the week and the systems stabilised more and more, the guys got into the pattern of the fishing their chances increased on a day by day basis even as the tides ran down the spring cycle.

At times its the toughest and the greatest job in the world, would I rather do anything else anywhere else?
I suspect we’re not over yet as more HP is on the way, perhaps an Indian summer.
Jim Hendrick
00353(0)53 9123351
00353(0)86 3444557
[email protected]