Emy and District Anglers PRO Enda Fields reports this weeks that  Emy Lake in Emyvale Co Monaghan  continues to fish extremely well. Anglers report that some lovely brownies of 3-4 lb have been caught by club members Martin Mc Kenna and Giedrius Vilpauskas.

Martin McKenna Displays another Well Conditioned Emy Lake Trout
Martin McKenna Displays another Well Conditioned Emy Lake Trout


Giedrius Vilpauskas with a nice Emy Lake Trout
Giedrius Vilpauskas with a nice Emy Lake Trout

The lake is very accessible with a new walk way around the beautiful shoreline. Shore fishing is very popular which  shelves gently into the lake but a life jacket is recommended at all times. Boat hire is available with a jetty and secure carpark  situated along the north western side of the lake.

The Boat Jetty at Emy Lake, Emyvale Co. Monaghan
The Boat Jetty at Emy Lake, Emyvale Co. Monaghan

The lake is nearby tothe village of Emyvale on the main N2 Dublin – Derry road network. In Emyvale there are shops, pubs  restaurants and close by is  the charming village of Glaslough.

Back to the fishing – There is alot of fly life showing at the moment and all different types of fly patterns and methods are producing fish. The bag limit is two fish per day and the club are encouraging anglers to adopt a put and take approach. Some of the  flies worth a try for the month of May on Emy  are the Mayfly, Gosling, Connemara black, Sooty Olive, Green  Peter  Silver Invicta &  Green Peter to name a few. Late evening is a good time to try sedge patterns & buzzers. The club will soon be holding its annual 2012 Eugene Muilligan Memorial Cup Competition. More details soon.

Great Feeding in Emy Produces Some Great Fish
Great Feeding in Emy Produces Some Great Fish

With the 2012 season well under way now, only  a limited number of places are still available in the club for the current season, so why not contact us today! Trout fishing only is available on Emy Lake for holders of day tickets or season permits. Day tickets may be obtained from Paul Gormley “ GORMLEYS SHOP” North Main Street Emyvale Telephone 047-87573 Mobile 087- 6128259 or Dick Kiernan at Venture Sports in Glaslough Street, Monaghan Town, Tel: 047- 81495 or mobile 086-8351378. Anglers become members of the club for insurance purposes on the issue of a day ticket or a season permit. More news about Emy Lake can be found on local website link at http://www.emyvale.net/emy%20lake.html