Lough Melvin: The weather did a complete turn about this week and we went from decidedly cold conditions to sweltering heat and bright sun! Sunblock was the order of the day and few rods ventured out until the evening time. The trout fishing, for those that ventured out after the same, was fairly good with some nice Sonaghan reported and good fishing for Gillaroo over the weekend with mayfly hatching in certain areas of the lough.
For info/boat hire/bookings etc on Lough Melvin see http://www.drowessalmonfishery.com/ or Tel: 071 9841055.
Lough Melvin – Rossinver Fishery: For info see http://www.rossinverfishery.com/
For bookings/guides etc on the Rossinver Fishery contact Bill McNeary, Tel: 071 9854930 or Jim Hoye, Tel: 0831197428
For info/Guides/boat hire on Lough Melvin contact Sean Maguire’s Tackle Shop, Main Street, Garrison.