Emy and District Anglers PRO Enda Fields reports this week that following the huge 6.25lb trout caught by local angler Jimmy Skinnader last week on Emy, club boat hire rep Paul Gormley has had numerous phone call requests about fishing the lake.
This week’s fishing so far has been ‘top notch’ with anglers catching the strict bag limit of TWO trout within a couple of hours or so. In the best interests of the lake the club recommends all anglers to practice catch and release. If taking fish to please limit to 1 or maximum 2 PER WEEK. Lake rules state maximum of 2. Enda himself so far this week has caught 10 (all returned bar one pictured below) while local anglers Martin Mc Kenna, Emyvale and Gerry Hughes, Monaghan brought to the boat in excess of 20 fish (all returned bar keeping one lovely 3lb+ brownie). In recent days some anglers have reported catching and seeing a number of small wild trout which will hopefully auger well for the lake’s future. To encourage more native wild brownies in the lake and incoming river, the club plan to do some work next month on the stream with the introduction of spawning beds and some clearing of blockages etc.
The majority of fish in the last week/ few days have been caught on the Mayfly, however, a range of different fly pattterns are working namely:- the Green Peter, the Dabbler family, Gosling patterns, the Golden Olive and the Silver Invicta. Anglers have reported any fly that has within its make up a tinge of green, red yellow and silver appears to have some success and is work a go. With recent fresh water entering the lake in recent days, shore fishing can be difficult but hopefully lake levels will come down to normal levels by the weekend. All anglers are advised to book a boat early and not to leave it to the last minute as presently, for the moment anyway, demand is out-stripping supply. In contrast, Emys’ shoreline is easily accessible via a new perimeter pathway.
A very limited number of places are still available in the club for the 2012 season, so why not contact us today! Trout fishing only is available on Emy Lake for holders of day tickets or season permits. Day tickets may be obtained from Paul Gormley “ GORMLEYS SHOP” North Main Street Emyvale Telephone 047-87573 Mobile 087- 6128259 or Dick Kiernan at Venture Sports in Glaslough Street, Monaghan Town, Tel: 047- 81495 or mobile 086-8351378. Anglers become members of the club for insurance purposes on the issue of a day ticket or a season permit.In the interest to all and the resource, please take note Emy Lake water keepers are presently checking for membership etc and will be strictly applying lake rules re bag limit etc so your co operation is kindly requested.
Finally, many thanks to the Inland Fisheries Ireland for their continued support. For more information about Emy Lake, please also check out www.emyvale.net and also check out our Emy & District Anglers video channel at www.youtube.com/user/emyangler

Emy Trout are in Great Condition and Fighting Fit
Emy Trout are in Great Condition and Fighting Fit