TWO men who were prosecuted for poaching in a Ballycroy river had their charges struck out after they donated €300 each to the Achill Lifeboat.
Paudge McHugh of Tarsaghaun, Ballycroy and George Sweeney of Briska, Bangor Erris both admitted to the possession of one salmon and nine sea trout along with the possession of a net at Muingnahalloona, Ballycroy on August 26, 2012.
Mr James Ward, solicitor for the prosecuting Inland Fisheries Ireland, explained that fishery officers received a report of poaching in the area and the report said two men in a black Mercedes were involved. Officers stopped the car and nine sea trout and a salmon along with wet clothes were found in the boot.
The two men admitted their involvement and a net was seized in a nearby house owned by Mr McHugh. Neither of them had any previous convictions.
Ms Tracy Murray, solicitor for the two defendants, said both men were small farmers and asked that the case be dealt with by way of a donation instead of a conviction….

Mayo News. 19/03/2013. Read the article. ‘Erris men caught with poached sea trout and salmon in car boot’