The European Court of Justice has delivered a landmark judgment in the long-running Galway bypass case brought by environmentalist Peter Sweetman. The road scheme would have resulted in the permanent loss of approximately 1.47 hectares of protected limestone pavement within a distinct sub-area of 85 hectares, forming part of a total area of 270 hectares of such limestone pavement in the Lough Corrib Natura 2000 site. The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg ruled that the integrity of a Natura 2000 site like Lough Corrib will be adversely affected where “the competent national authority concludes that [the] plan or project [in question] will lead to the lasting and irreparable loss of the whole or part of a priority natural habitat type whose conservation was the objective that justified the designation of the site concerned” as a Natura 2000 site…, 12/04/13. Read the full article ‘Landmark Judgement In Galway Bypass Case‘.