THE LEGACY of the disastrous West Limerick flooding of 2008 is still being tackled by Limerick County Council, as rural bridges damaged by subsidence undergo long-awaited repair works.

The destructive flooding of August 2008, which saw the River Arra burst its banks in Newcastle West, flooding a number of homes and business premises, also had a wider impact on a tributary network that stretches for miles in every direction.

At a recent local area meeting of Limerick County Council in Newcastle West, Cllr Jerome Scanlan raised the issue of ongoing repair works to minor rural bridges which were damaged in the flooding.

The meeting heard that while the vast majority of damaged bridges have been repaired, there are still a small number due for completion in the Newcastle West, Dromcollogher and surrounding areas….

Limerick Leader. 23/03/2013. Read the article ‘Work still ongoing to repair damaged caused to West Limerick floods’