With the weather being so cold we decided to try a few sheltered spots on Carrigadrohid. The wind was on our backs, and it was very cold but we knew as the day pushed on it would get a lot warmer. At around 12 O Clock and the sun was hitting our faces and the jackets were coming off, it was like a summers day. Just then it was like a switch was turned on. Two rods went off at the same time – it was two small jacks. Alan landed the first one while my jack was grabbed by some thing bigger.
Unfortunately it was dropped after a few seconds. Alan put on a plastic perch straight away to see would that pike take again. But the only hit was from a fish of around 4lb. We only managed a few dropped runs after that.
At end of the day with the temperature dropping it was jackets back on. I said, “Iis it time to go?” Dan replied “One last cast… “. And he was right!
Sidney Kennedy
Lee Reservoirs Angling Services
Make a booking
Lee Reservoirs Angling Services have started a new angling guiding service for pike, ferox trout and any coarse fish of your choice on the Lee Reservoirs.
Boats will be available for rental on previously untouched water as no boat rental has been available to the public before now.
Be sure to visit their new website www.leeangling.com for a range of guided angling options in the Lee Sytem that will commence this March.
Pike Handling and conservation
Anglers are reminded of the importance of carefully handling pike, especially when you are dealing with females around the spawning season. An unhooking mat is of great use to ensure that the fishes vulnerable slime layer does not get damaged and lead to infection. IFI have have published guidelines on pike handling here: