04/03 – 10/03 The week was wintery overall with cold air temperatures prevailing and rods needed to be well wrapped up! There was a little rain during the middle of the week but this had little impact on the river. Water levels are still fair with the gauge reading just under 5 at present with a water temperature of 5.5°C. The fishing was good this week with 6 salmon reported to date.

On Tuesday, Michael Doherty recorded a 10lb salmon caught on prawn from the Mill Pool. On Wednesday, Sean Carty reported another salmon caught. This weighed 13lb and was caught on a fly from Briney’s.

On Friday, George Yendall registered an 8lb salmon caught on a fly from the Sea Pools. This was Georges first ever day salmon fishing. He’ll be hooked now!

Another angler caught and released 2 salmon on Friday and landed a further salmon on Saturday on prawn with all fish around 9 to 10lb.

The forecast for the coming week is for wintery conditions to predominate for the earlier part of the week with the latter half of the week being only slightly milder with rain showers. This will hopefully ensure good water levels in the river and prospects are looking good

Lindsey Clarke
IFI Ballyshannon

Make a booking

For info/bookings etc on the Drowes Fishery & Lough Melvin see http://www.drowessalmonfishery.com/

or Tel: 071 9841055 (8am to 12 noon).