The presence of good shoals of coarse fish has the pike feeding in packs around Portumna says Mike Murray of Murray’s Angling Services …

Pike have been very active around Portumna recently. Two angler clients of mine had 19 pike on Sunday trolling large silver spoons along the Shannon from Portumna bridge to the Sheebeen stretches. Most were around 80cms but the also landed a couple over 1 metre in length.

september  2013 008
Mike with the first pike of the day…


I also encountered a pack of Pike while fishing for Bream on The town stretch. Having lost several decent size roach and bream to marauding pike I set up a roach dead bait and the first cast produced a pike of 11lb which was released further down stream  a second cast produced a similar sized fish.

Mike Murray
Murray’s Angling Services

Go fishing in Portumna…

Murray’s Angling Services
Tel: +353 (0)909759596  Mobile: +353 (0)873121595
E-mail: [email protected]

Another pike of similar size soon followed
Another pike of similar size soon followed