is a weekly, live online, sport fishing show brought to you by Reel Passion Media Ltd, hosted by well known anglers and broadcasters, Alan Broderick and Richie Johnston. Alan and Richie are experienced broadcasters and will interact live on with big name anglers, guides and contributors from all around the world.

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Alan and Richie know many of the guest contributors personally, having fished with them on their global angling adventures. Each week for one hour, the guys will interview and chat with well-known fishing personalities, guides and guests about all things fishing, whether it’s freshwater, saltwater, fly, lure or bait, ultra light or big game. This is your live fishing show!

Anietra Hamper with a brace of pike
American angler and travel writer Anietra Hamper appearing on some of our upcoming shows. Anietra has travelled the world fishing in countries such as Iceland,Thailand, Canada, Scotland and Ireland. Here is a picture of Anietra with a brace of pike she caught in successive casts last year on her visit to Ireland. is where you get the latest news from across the angling world. We have a network of top guides and correspondents who share all the latest news from their area, including where the fish are biting and what they’re feeding on! On, we’ll be taking a look at latest developments, crazes and creations from the international tackle scene and our guides will field test everything from rods, reels, lures and leaders to clothing, waders and wellies and everything in between, giving their professional assessment and opinion.

Anglers can watch the live stream at or offline or podcast at youtube.
Each FishTalktv programme comprises 8 different segments across a One hour show.
Cathal Hughes with the cup for 2nd place
Cathal Hughes is one of the guests on upcoming shows. A top Match angler with a big list of wins on the Coarse fishing circuit. Cathal, who is sponsored by Daiwa and Bait – Tech has been twice World Pairs Champion with Philip Jackson, and has also taken Silver in the World Championships in 2010 in Spain.