Absolute Fishing in Waterford have announced that they will be running another introduction to lure fishing course…
We are starting to run our getting started lure fishing courses again.
Lure fishing has come a long way in the last few years and there is a lot of information to soak in and it can seem rather confusing. We get lots of people in to the shop who just need that little bit of help to get them going on their lure fishing adventure/addiction.
It makes sense to get a group together and share what works for us.
We will start from the beginning:
- Setting up your rod and reel
- Connecting leaders
- Hard lures
- Soft lures
- Wind
- Tide
- Moon
- Safety
- Etc
We will go into all of these topics in detail and hopefully answer any questions you may have as best we can.
The one thing you won’t get from the course is fishing marks. We will explain the types of terrain you need to be looking for but finding them is where you have to put in some graft.
The course is FREE of charge and will be run on Saturday mornings from 10am to 1pm
So if you are interest please send us a message on Facebook or call the shop on 051393559 to book your slot as spaces are limited.