The Celtic Cup is a two day competition fished to international rules every year with each of the nations taking it in turn to host. This year is the turn of Ireland and the NCFFI are pleased to announce the proposed location as the Newry Canal, Albert Basin in Northern Ireland. Subject to some minor improvements the pegging will be on the council owned O’Rourkes Coalyard section.

The event will take place from Wednesday 1st to Saturday 4th July providing time for practice on the venue ahead of the competition itself taking place on Friday and Saturday.

NCFFI - Newry CanalIreland will be fielding two Under18 teams of 7 to include male & female anglers in order to give additional young anglers some experience. Team selection will take place shortly.

The NCFFI will work with Newry & Mourne District Council and the Loughs Agency to promote the event.