Regular visitor, Bert Müllrick, Germany, enjoyed 3 fantastic day’s pike fishing in the Foxford area says Markus Müller in the Ballina office.

Bert was fishing with local angling guide, Kenny Sloan. Over the 3 days, Bert fished on four different waters including Lough Conn and Levally Lake and caught a total of 17 pike.

mayo pike
Bert Muellrick, Germany, with one of his 17 Mayo pike

His best fish was a fine wild pike of 19 lbs. caught on a trolled roach. With such good fishing Bert is eager to return later in the year to crack the 20 lbs. mark!

Go fishing with Kenny…

Kenny Sloan has become synonymous with big pike in the Foxford area. Kenny can guide you on the big wild waters around him Conn and Cullen but he also has a lot of smaller waters at his disposal and even if the wind blows he always has some where to fish making your break as productive as possible.

Markus Müller
Fisheries Information Manager
Iascach Intíre Éireann
Inland Fisheries Ireland, Ballina