Markus Muller reports that conditions on Lough Arrow were fairly difficult during the week…

Bright sunshine during the day and very calm evenings didn’t make it easy for trout anglers. However, Thomas Walsh reported a 1.5 lbs. trout, while local angler, John James McDermottroe, caught a cracking fish weighing 5.75 lbs. Both trout fell for a wet fly.

A lot of small fish were showing and anglers reported some early sightings of mayfly.

The weather is promised favourable for the next few days which is likely to bring early hatches of mayfly.

Go fishing…

For more information about the fishing on Lough Arrow and a downloadable brochure see

Markus Müller
Fisheries Information Manager
Iascach Intíre Éireann
Inland Fisheries Ireland, Ballina