David Edwards, skipper of  charter boat Tigger out of  Clonakilty Tigger ,  reports on the shark fishing…

The Blue Sharks have arrived in big numbers and a wrecking trip this week saw sharks regularly attacking mid size Pollack and Coalies as we were bringing them up.

Shane McSweeney from shannonvale with a decent cod
Shane McSweeney from Shannonvale with a decent cod

I set up a shark rig and soon hooked a decent Blue. Water clarity was superb and we could clearly see a much bigger shark sitting deeper. A 4lb Pollack was attached to a 11/0 hook on 250lb steel and allowed to sink deep. In no time the reel screemed and the shark took approximately 500 metres of line before we started Tigger and followed it at speed.

The shark was still running when the barbless hook came out with just the head of the Pollock attached, a massive bite radius confirmed this was no Blue and  I have never had a run like that from a Porbeagle before. We are hoping that the Mako’s caught from Union Hall and Milford Haven last year may not be a one off and it’s very possible that this is what we connected with out from Clon.

There were plenty of Pollack and Coalies to double figures but it was great to see some decent cod at last with the best going 15lb. Long may this weather hold
David Edwards

Go fishing…

Tigger is a purpose built Procharter 31 angling boat, powered by a 330HP diesel engine and equipped with all necessary safety equipment. Reef and ground drift fishing is generally the most productive method with the potential to catch in excess of 20 species if you adapt your lures and baits accordingly. From mid June through to October it’s usually possible to target the blue shark fishing that is predominatly between 10-15 miles off the estuary.  All sharks are released and recent seasons have seen larger species such as mako and threshers being sighted more frequently, so who knows what will come in 2014…
Web: www.irelandseaangling.com

Firs picture is Shane McSweeney from shannonvale with a decent cod
Second is Skipper David Edwards with best cod of the day at 15lb