Rookie Bass Angler Steven Neely has been a busy man.  He checks out some new marks which have been in the back of his mind to visit for some time.  He tells us “It lies under a set of rather large cliffs and getting the right conditions to fish it is tricky but boy did it produce results!

It is a series of flat rock which is pepper with gullies and encrusted in mussels!

A fine sized wrasse
A fine sized wrasse

The first session we were able to watch the wrasse mill about underneath our feet – it was bright and crystal clear …… Far from ideal but we managed a few decent enough fish.

Steven Neely - Wrasse Aug 3OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe have returned to the mark twice since and started to explore other gullies and likely looking outcrops of rock and every time we go back we nail more and more fish.

One gully seems to fish better when we use static lures and yet the gully not 10ft away responds better to OTD! It is just mind scrambling how each gully seems to produce fish to different styles.

It is a challenge but I love it – it means I can get stuck into the technical bits and start experimenting with a few new ideas etc.

Steven Neely - Wrasse Aug 2

Check out Steven’s online shop….Fish on Lures

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Steven Neely

Rookie Bass Angler
