Ronan Cusack reports that the changeable weather over the last week resulted in mixed angling returns on Mask, with some anglers enjoying great sport. Mayfly hatches are still relatively poor, yet on bays and shorelines where fly hatch even in small numbers, trout can be seen to respond immediately.

Regular Mask anglers Anthony Baggott and Philip McGoldrick had what they described as the best day’s fishing in years on Mask last Saturday. Winds were southerly and fresh, with a sparse mayfly hatch along the north shore all day. The lads reported boating 14 trout over the size limit and numerous under size fish in the course of the day. Green dabbler and mayfly patterns were the choice of fly (best fish 3.5lbs, all returned).

Philip McGoldrick from Claremorris with a nice 3.5lbs Lough Mask trout, May 2014
Philip McGoldrick from Claremorris with a nice 3.5lbs Lough Mask trout, May 2014


Tourmakeady angler Eddie Gibbons fished with a French couple on Thursday last and they had 4 trout for their day (best fish 2lbs). Eddie also reported fishing himself for a half day last week, boating 10 good trout and again several undersize on wet flies (best fish 2.75lbs). Pat Feerick (Partry) and Aidan Hodgins (Loughrea) had a day on Mask last Saturday and they had 8 trout for the day (best fish 5.5lbs). Kevin Sheridan (Ballinrobe) fished for a few hours most days last week and he had approximately 15 trout up to 1.25lbs on a combination of wets and dries. Ronan Cusack guided for 2 UK anglers (Howard and Mike) on Sunday and Monday of this week and they had 14 trout over the size limit, and again several undersize (best fish 2lbs, all returned). Ballinrobe angler Danny Joyce had 3 nice fish pulling wets on Sunday (best fish 1.75lbs).

Ronan also guides on Mask and can be contacted at [email protected] or at 087 2869487


Inland Fisheries Ireland staff are very much aware of the number of small trout anglers are encountering on the lakes over the past number of weeks and officers are out on a daily basis carrying out routine checks on both size and bag limits. Anglers are asked to please respect the minimum statutory size (13 inches) and bag limits (4 trout per day) and return any undersize fish to the water as quickly and carefully as possible.