Brian McCall from reports on a day afloat in Co. Cavan…

Dennis O Donovan of made a scheduled trip to Cavan to try his luck for some pike on Valentine’s Day. He arrived on a very cold but calm morning to find a mirror like surface. He geared up and got on the water with delay. Trolling hard bodied lures for a couple of hours produced nothing, so he pulled up for a time before trying again. A well timed break as not long after the restart he was photographing his first of two fish for his 5 hours fishing.

A nice fish that fought harder than its size would suggest.
A nice fish that fought harder than its size would suggest.

A quick snap for the ongoing species hunt, which is free to anyone in the club to enter, and the fish was swimming back to freedom.

Not long after, while fishing the shallow side of a drop off, he got a  much more solid take which again fought with determination. Fighting hard the whole way in, it was finally landed and released after a brief moment of admiration from the captor.

A better pike


Read the full report and see more photos on or on dennis blog