Eileen Carrol from the Macroom office reports that for week ended Sunday 31st of May there were 19 salmon reported from the River Lee including a 19.25lb salmon from the ESB Fishery.

ESB Fishery

Paul Hanley, Cork, had 4 salmon ranging from 8lbs – to 12lbs, all caught on the fly and released alive

Anthony O’ Reilly, Cork, had 2 salmon, 1 weighing 8 3/4lbs and the best so far this year at the Dam weighed in at 19 1/4lbs all landed on shrimp

3 anglers from Limerick had 2 salmon between them weighing 11 3/4lbs and 13lbs landed on shrimp.

Elsewhere on the river there were 10 salmon landed for the week averaging 8lbs – 10lbs.