Well the fish keep coming as we landed another one at Delphi today. This time it was the turn of Philip McGarrity. Philip landed a sea liced fish in Cooleens on a Delphi Collie, weighing in at 7lbs7.5ozs. Needless to say Philip was thrilled.

You may notice from the picture that it looks like it has an adipose fin, but it’s actually only a partial one. It’s what I would call a Monday morning clip. In fairness when you’re clipping 5 or 6000 a day in water temperature sometimes as low as 3.5 degrees C the odd partial clip is inevitable. So it’s actually a fish that would have been clipped and tagged in January 2013, released in late April 2013, migrated more than likely to the west coast of Greenland to feed and made the long journey back before re-entering the system yesterday or today and was then caught by Philip.

Philip McGarrity with 7lb 7.5oz salmon
Philip McGarrity with 7lb 7.5oz salmon

Hopefully tomorrow it will be the turn of George Yendell , who having lost one yesterday, actually lost another today. With a bit of luck it will be third time lucky for George!!

David McEvoy
Delphi Fishery

Go fishing…

At Delphi Lodge, with many years of experience with the timing of the best runs of fish, we have in place a price system that offers both great value fishing and lets our anglers know when they have the best chance to catch a fresh run spring salmon or a summer grilse or Delphi sea trout.

Delphi Fishery
Delphi Lodge, Leenane, Co. Galway.
Tel: +353 (0)95-42222 Fax +353-95-42296
Web: www.delphilodge.ie